What is a redirect link?

A redirect (sometimes called “URL forwarding”) is a way to send users to a different website than the one they requested.

Click this link to see the redirect in action: https://resident.propertyboss.net/ResidentPortal904v17?customer=caxfst_171470  

Why do I have to update my portal links?

PropertyBoss is streamlining processes and updating infrastructure. We are disabling all portal redirects to discontinue the support of three different sets of URLs for each portal. Once the redirects are disabled, portals can only be accessed through the new links. 

Where can I find my link(s)?

Go to the website(s) where your portals are listed. Click the link(s) to launch the portal. If you land on a redirect page it clearly states that it is a redirect page AND gives you the correct link to the portal.

You can build your links using the short link format and inserting your unique ACCOUNT and dbKEY. 

If you create a link using your ACCOUNT and dbKEY and an error or blank page loads, it means the particular portal is not active for you. Do not post that portal link unless you enable it through [email protected] 

Contact your website manager/company, give them the new links, and ask them to replace what is currently on your website. It can help to provide screenshots or a list of locations where the portal links can be found on the website. 

  • PropertyBoss does not manage websites anymore. If your website was created by PropertyBoss, it has been transferred to BizCor. Contact information for BizCor is:

How do I know if I’ve updated my URLs? or How do I know if I am being redirected? 

Click on the portal link you are currently advertising. Does a page pop up that looks like this? (This is an example. Your portal link would be listed on the page.) 

If you see this message, the link you tested needs to be updated to the new format. If you do not see this message, your link does not need to be updated.

What am I supposed to update? or What is a portal link? 

This pertains to PORTAL links only. This does not affect the page where you go to log in to PropertyBoss. This will not impact your ability to access PropertyBoss on or after November 12. 

A portal allows non-PropertyBoss users access to some features of PropertyBoss through an online web extension of YOUR PropertyBoss account. For example, your residents/tenants/members can log in to a portal and pay their rent, submit work orders, view their balance, update their contact information, etc... That information is then sent to your PropertyBoss account.

There are several ways to identify a "new" link versus an "old" link. 

  1. Use the test explained in the question above: How do I know if I’ve updated my URLs? or How do I know if I am being redirected?
  2. New links are short. They begin with an abbreviation of the portal's name (res, own, app) contain an ACCOUNT_dbKEY, and end in propertyboss.net 
  3. Short links can expand when the portal page loads. It is okay to see something like this in the URL bar: https://portal.propertyboss.net/PortalName/login/ACCOUNT_dbKEY (ex: portal.propertyboss.net/own/login/pbsdemos_123456
  4. Hover over the link on your website. Do you see "v17?" anywhere in the address This is an old link. If you click on it, it will show you the redirect page. 

Where do I find my ACCOUNT and dbKEY(s)? 

Login to PropertyBoss, go to Help, then About PropertyBoss. This article contains visuals.

What is an ACCOUNT and dbKEY?

This is a unique string of letters and numbers assigned to your PropertyBoss program. It's possible to have more than one ACCOUNT and dbKEY. Clients with more than one program switch back and forth between two or more PropertyBoss databases. 

This is a key piece of information in portal links. Without your unique ACCOUNT and dbKEY, a user cannot log in to your portal. 


  1. res.propertyboss.net - This is NOT a Resident Portal link. It does not contain an ACCOUNT and dbKEY. 
  2. res_caxfst_171470.propertyboss.net - This IS a Resident Portal link. ONLY residents assigned to this PropertyBoss account can log in to this portal. If a user is not in their PropertyBoss account and tries to log in, they will be denied.

What are the new links? 

ACCOUNT_dbKEY - the unique identifier that links the portal to your PropertyBoss domain

Have multiple domains? You have multiple ACCOUNT_dbKEYS. 

Need help finding your ACCOUNT_dbKEY? See this article.

Resident/Member Portal (includes HOA owners)res_ACCOUNT_dbKEY.propertyboss.net
Owner Portalown_ACCOUNT_dbKEY.propertyboss.net
MaintTech Portal (internal portal)mainttech_ACCOUNT_dbKEY.propertyboss.net
Application Portalapp_ACCOUNT_dbKEY.propertyboss.net
Direct Payment Portal
Site Admin Portal (internal portal; universal)  

When was I notified to update these links? 

Notification for updating links started in 2021 and continued as each portal was redesigned and deployed into production. Here is a general timeline: 

  • November 2021 - Resident Portal and Direct Payment Portal rollout
  • March 2022 - Owner Portal rollout; reminded clients to update Resident Portal links if not already done
  • August 2023 - MaintTech Portal rollout; reminded clients to update Resident and Owner Portals links if not completed 
  • August 2024 - September 2024 - Application Portal rollout; individual clients notified as their portal was updated
  • October 2024 - Initial introduction to PB Online, which replaces the Site Admin Portal. PB Online has its own link. The Site Admin Portal website is not being redirected. More information will come about a mass rollout. 

After November 12: 

If you updated your links, your users likely had the OLD portal link (with the redirect) saved as a bookmark or shortcut. Please provide them with the updated link and have them log in with it. Users should delete and/or update old bookmarks and shortcuts.

Can I use the Site Admin Portal after November 12?

Yes, this link will continue to work for the Site Admin Portal: https://propertyboss.net/siteadmin. This link will be disabled at a future date and you will receive advanced notice.

If you want to use the PB Online link, it is live and works for all clients: https://online.propertyboss.net/. It absorbed all functions of the Site Admin and will provide many more features very soon! If you are making link changes, get ahead of the curve.