PropertyBoss allows you to pay your owners through a direct deposit process with your bank. PropertyBoss creates the direct deposit file - a NACHA file - that automatically saves to your local computer. You then upload the file to your bank using their NACHA instructions. 

Key Takeaways:

  • PropertyBoss cannot send NACHA files to your bank. It creates the files. 
  • NACHA files must be manually uploaded to your bank's website. 

The attached forms provide all the information you need to gather from your bank to set up NACHA payments in PropertyBoss. PropertyBoss does not have this information as it is specific to your financial institution. Please do not send the completed form to PropertyBoss. It contains personal identifying information that should not be shared without using a secure method. Email [email protected] after you have completed for form and we will assist you with setting up the feature in PropertyBoss. 

  • Form 1 - USA NACHA Setup
  • Form 2 - Canadian Setup