Monthly Income is a required field for all applicants, regardless of your screening package. 

If you do not check rent-to-income ratios during your screening process, do the following:

  1. Ensure the box is not checked for “Use Debt-to-Income/Rent-to-Income in calculations”
    1. Setup Preferences > Applicant Screening
  2. Enter any amount that is $1 or more in the Monthly Income field.

If you do calculate rent-to-income ratios during your screening process, do the following:

  1. Ensure the box is checked for “Use Debt-to-Income/Rent-to-Income in calculations”
    1. Setup Preferences > Applicant Screening
  2. Enter the applicant’s monthly income or an amount close to their monthly income. Entering a random number could cause a “Decline” recommendation to return from the screener. As always, you have the option to override the recommendation given by the screener.

Monthly Income can be entered on the Prospect Notebook or on the Credit Report Applicant window.