Release Notes for 10.03i5

Released 9/18/2024

This release addresses bug fixes and includes enhancements to current features. Some changes you will notice:


Bug Corrections

  • Screening requests won't be able to be submitted for Co-Applicants who are missing 'Monthly Income'. A 'Missing Data' message will appear next to their contact in the Screening window to call attention to the data entry needed by the User.
  • When running the O260 Owner Statement Report, individual and mass reports will not result in an error.
  • When using an activities button to create a lease for a Prospect, the window is properly sized to display the Notebook tabs and action buttons. (Patched on September 3) 

Operational Change

  • A Client wishing to create a new, or make changes to an existing, ePayment account can do so through the help of a support agent. Please contact PropertyBoss Client Care at [email protected] for assistance.
  • Navigating to the General Ledger prompts the program to perform a syncing process where journals in the General Ledger are updated with transactions entered into the program since the last sync. Users must allow the program to complete this process before additional actions can be taken in the program. If the User attempts to navigate to other program areas or stop the syncing process, the program will become unresponsive and need to close. The size of the Client's domain and the number of transactions entered since the last sync will impact how long the process takes. (Patched on August 30)  

Release Notes for Web Portals

Several enhancements were released to the PropertyBoss portals on September 19, 2024. You will see:

  • Owner Portal - The additional text 'Enter First & Last Name if Company Name is N/A' has been added underneath the Portal registration field 'Company Name' to clarify what Owners should enter if Company Name is not applicable to them. 
  • Application Portal - If an applicant fails to remit payment for their application fee at the time of submission, the payment link in the confirmation email will expire after 7 days. 
  • Resident Portal - 'If a resident is assigned to a single-unit property, the placeholder text 'DummyUnit' has been hidden from the 'Unit' field under Setup a Recurring Payment.