To minimize the number of portal registration requests, check the 'Allow Login to Web Portal' checkbox and enter the tenant’s email address in the Web Portal Email field when setting up a lease.
Portal Registration: When a tenant registers for the Portal, the request is checked against two things:
- Does the email entered match the Web Portal Email address on the Contact Notebook
- Has portal access been granted via the 'Allow Login to Web Portal' checkbox
If the tenant has permission to access the portal AND the email address they are registering matches the Web Portal E-Mail field on the Contact Notebook, the person will be allowed to set their portal password and be granted access automatically.
If the person doesn't have permission or they are registering with a different email address, a registration request will appear in Web Activity. This activity is reviewed by a User and the User has to pair the request with the appropriate contact.
When a contact is selected on the registration window, the User can see the 'Account' associated with the Contact (Property, Unit, Lease Start Date) and the 'Contact Type'