Release Notes for 11.01d6

Released 9/17/2024

This release addresses bug fixes and includes enhancements to current features. Some changes you will notice:


  • When a Client signs up to use PB Texting, the domain is assigned a phone number from which their messages will be received. This phone number is now reflected in the program under Setup Preferences > Texting > SMS Number for Client awareness. 
  • The screening account credentials used at the time of request submission are retained as an audit trail even if the credentials are updated while the requested report is awaiting results from the provider. Report results submitted under previous credentials remain not retrievable from our program. 
  • The Letters screen will now reflect to Users if an eSign request cannot be delivered to the recipient due to an email bounce or an invalid email.

Bug Corrections

  • When a User attempts to send an email reminder to a Signer more than once an hour, a message appears explaining that the reminder cannot be sent. 
  • When more than one inspection is selected for printing, the files will default to print to PDF to the User's local pb_reports 'saved' folder. File names will include:
    • Username who initiated printing
    • Inspection Number
    • Property
    • Unit (if applicable)
    • Lease Start Date
    • MonthDay
    • Time
See the attached step-by-step instructions for mass printing RCRs. 

Release Notes for 11.01d7

Released 9/18/2024

Bug Corrections

  • Regression caused by d6 update: An error preventing Users from printing was resolved.