Release Notes for 10.03i4

Released 8/15/2024

This release addresses bug fixes and includes enhancements to current features. Some changes you will notice:


  • The 'Default' Merlin report in the Applicant Screening feature sorts in Report Number descending order so the most recent report requests appear at the top of the list.
  • When the screening provider returns report results, the status update populates under Web Activity. Once executed, the status on the screening report and Applicant Screening Navigator updates, and the activity reflects on the A111 Autopost Activity report. In addition, the Screening tabs on the Prospect and Lease Notebooks display the screening data consistently. Screening reports in a Pre-Qual status are incomplete, and when a User clicks to review the report, a pop-up message now displays alerting the User that some report results are still pending from the provider.
  • Whether a screening report request was submitted while the Client was using domain-level or property-level screening account credentials, the program retains this account information and uses it when a User requests to view report results. 


Bug Corrections

  • Changes made to fields on the Prospect/Contact Notebooks will transfer to the Screening Report window while a screening report is in a 'Created' status. Once the screening report is submitted, any information entered on the Notebooks won't be duplicated on the Screening Report window to preserve the information submitted to the screening provider.

Release Notes for Web Portals

A bug fix was released to the PropertyBoss portals on July 31, 2024. The change you will notice:

Bug Correction

  • Owner Portal - The 'Selected Property' list under My Account > View Statement is properly sized so all properties assigned to an Owner is visible.