Release Notes for 11.01d4

Released 5/21/2024

This release addresses bug fixes and includes enhancements to current features. Some changes you will notice:


  • If Address Line 1 for a Contact's Current, Prior, or Permanent address exceeds one line, the data window expands and the following data fields move further down the Notebook page.
  • If signers of an eSign document have the same email address, regardless of capitalization, the program will alert the User of the conflict and the eSign document won't be sent. The User should review the Contact Notebook of the reported contacts > revise the email addresses so they are unique > and attempt resending.
  • If an eSign letter fails to send, the A112 Print Letter Log will reflect the failure. If sending the letter to a Prospect, the status doesn't change for the Prospect if a status change is defined for the Prospect Activity under Setup Preferences > Prospect CRM > Prospect Activities.
  • If the program has difficulty accessing a Prospect or Tenant eSign media file on the PB server for User viewing, the message to the User says: "Although the file is marked complete, the document on the PropertyBoss server is inaccessible. Please contact Client Care for document assistance."
  • The error messaging was improved for eSign documents that receive Error Code: 400 such that the User has more information to understand why the action attempted failed to execute.


Bug Corrections

  • The program recognizes and uses property-level screening account credentials to access screening report results. Properties that don't use property-level screening account credentials continue to use the domain-level screening account credentials.
  • Users with sufficient permissions can delete tickets for Work Order Groups (e.g. Work Orders, Inspections, etc.)
  • Users with sufficient permissions can create a new ticket for Work Order Groups and immediately change the status to 'Complete'.
  • Data submitted by Residents via the Resident Portal Renewal Intention for Transfer Inside Unit and Transfer Outside Unit is displayed in the Renewal Intentions Navigator.
  • Unit Type' is an available field for Renewal Intention custom merlin reports.