Release Notes for 10.03h5

This release addresses bug fixes and includes enhancements to current features. Some changes you will notice:



  • Audit Logger: 'Move this Lease to Another Unit' – Audit logger now tracks when leases are moved to another unit. A Log Type value of 'Lease Move' will appear. 


Bug Correction(s) 

  • Contact & Prospect Notebooks: DOB Date Calculation – When a two-digit year for a user-entered Prospect or Contact is entered, the program will calculate the appropriate two-digit century. Prospects who are under 10 years of age will continue to receive the prompt ‘Prospects under 10 are not allowed.’ 
  • General Ledger: Check Memo – Transaction comments will now display under the PB General Ledger's 'Pay Bills' window, but those comments will no longer automatically transfer to the check memo. Instead, check memo entry is now permitted under the PB General Ledger's 'Select Checks to Print' window. Users retain the ability to adjust the check memo under the 'Edit a check' window. 
  • Setup Preferences: Security & Permissions – Changing a Security or Portal role name will now translate to the User or Non-User profile(s) assigned to the role. 
  • Viewing Reports: A146 Statement-Invoice Format – When 'Any Balance including $0.00' is selected, statements are created for accounts with balances greater than $0.00 and $0.00 balances. 
  • Viewing Reports: L380 Check Register – When using custom date ranges, the 'Summary-Details' report format only includes transactions with a 'Journal Date' that falls within the period requested. 


Release Notes for Web Portals

General enhancements and bug fixes were released to the PropertyBoss portals on November 9, 2023. A change you will notice: 

Bug Correction(s) 

  • Owner Portal: Multiple Owners Unable to Make a Payment – The portal will now allow multiple email addresses associated with an Owner profile to be able to submit one-time payments.